Sunday, March 25, 2012

3 Different Ways On How To Remove Warts

Some of the girls resort to bad habits in order to solve the problems of the skin, such as removal of warts and hair of the face. Often, these habits are wrong and harmful to the health of the skin more than good. One of these bad habits Altjb stay away from them in order to keep skin healthy, and beautiful: 1. Peel dark skin on the blister: Solution: Do not try to touch or removed or tampered with, especially if they are on the face because that leads to its downfall and re-emerge with the possibility of the emergence of a permanent scar in its place. Use a small patch to hide the wounds until healed.2. Thinning of the skin due to the use of creams: some kinds of creams prescribed by a physician, treatment is limited, some of which may contain anti-Vitality and a high proportion of repeated use of cortisone leads to thinning of the skin, and damaged. RecommendedConsult the doctor who described to you. 3. Pressure on the white heads: Some girls trying to get rid of pimples white by pressing it, but the base grain inflamed the weakest point where, during the pressure off the base to the inside, and spread inflammation in the inner layers of the skin, causing inflammation in the skin, leading to delay healing longer, and not easily wound healing. Blisters should be treated with a solution Pinzal PEROXIDE white or review your dermatologist. 4. Dark spots: frequent use of lead therapeutic creams to skin damage and internal bleeding in thin layers of the skin causes the appearance of dark spots into the hair and possibly spread to a larger area. While the neglect of capillaries and review where the dermatologist removed surgically through an incision is very small microscope to help him to 

Warts are caused by a virus known as the human papilloma virus, or HPV for short. The virus normally enters the body through small cuts or scratches on the surface of the skin. It stays on the skin surface and begins to develop until it is visible as a bulge on the skin. The virus can sometimes grow for a few months up to a year before becoming visible.

A wart generally does not pose any health risk, but it can sometimes be annoying to see or feel a wart. It is contagious and can spread by touch and when people use a towel or any other object that can come in contact with the wart.

How to Remove Warts?

1. There are different types of warts. The type of treatment used to remove warts depends on the type of wart that a person has. It is generally good to have a doctor diagnose the type of wart before trying to treat it. Most often, warts disappear on their own without the need for treatment.

2. There are over-the-counter medicines available at the drugstore to treat warts. Most of these medicines contain a mild acid which acts on the dead skin cells on the wart and removes them. Topical medications can also be applied on the wart. Medicine patches are available which can be stuck over the wart until it dries it up and makes it fall away from the skin.

3. Cryosurgery (the use of extremely cold temperatures) can also be performed to remove a wart. This procedure involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen to kill the virus. Laser treatment is also done for more stubborn warts that do not respond to other types of treatment. A tiny laser is used to kill the virus which is the cause of the wart.
 . control the bleeding before it occurs, and disarmament of the hair under the skin Almngrsh

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