Juicing means that you will be taking the load off of your digestive system and feeding high quality nutrients directly to your body. This is only one of the advantages of juicing. In fact it is huge, not only do you get more nutrients than if you simply ate the fruits or vegetables that you are juicing but you are getting nutrients that you wouldn't otherwise access. You see the peel, that most people cut off and throw away, often has a higher concentration of nutrients than any other part and with juicing you throw the whole fruit or vegetable in with the peel intact. Juicing makes the nutritional value quickly available by bypassing the digestion process. This lets you quickly absorb all the vitamins, minerals, and micro nutrients in the food. The nourishment of the fruits and vegetables are easily delivered across the intestinal walls and into the blood, where your body can use them immediately. Not only that but with juice the food is never cooked. Cooking destroys enzymes and some of the vitamins and thus you avoid this destructive process. Enzymes change the food you eat into body tissue and energy, thus increasing your metabolic rate. This means that you will burn more calories with the accompanying weight loss.
Are you interested in age extension and longevity? You'll be happy to know that juicing also promotes longevity and delays the effects of aging, this goes along with better energy. With juice, you will have access to all of natures nutrients locked up in raw fruits and vegetables with none of it lost by cooking and other preparation methods. Know too that by not cooking you will also be preserving the antioxidants. Your body uses antioxidants to cancel free radicals in your system. Free radicals are responsible for aging and degenerative diseases and preserving these antioxidants is akin to finding a fountain of youth.
While we are discussing this Fountain of Youth realize that juicing helps you combat degenerative diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and other conditions that most people pick up as they age. In the case of type 2 diabetes, it means your body has become resistant to the insulin produced by your pancreas. Research shows that eating raw foods can help combat diabetes. Raw foods supplies nourishment to your body and stabilizes your blood sugar in ways that only raw food can. Traditional opinion tells you to stay away from all sugars, even the sugars found in fruits. That advice has now been counteracted by research which shows that nutrients found in fresh fruits an vegetables help to control the disease naturally. In particular, the vitamin B7 which is found in mangoes, nectarines, and peaches aids your digestive process and activates your enzymes. Diabetes means your body fails to process sugars that you eat and your digestive health is important. Then there is manganese -- which is found in carrots, celery, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, beet greens, parsley, and spinach -- it helps lower insulin resistance and improve glucose metabolism.
Juicing is the Fountain of Youth that people have long sought. It is the best way to optimize your health and energy.
What a simple alternative to surgery or irritating diets!
Juicing allows you to consume a large amount of vegetables without sitting at the dinner table for hours eating the same amount you can just drink in a glass.
If you are anything like me, you have grown up liking a few favorite veggies, and maybe have found yourself even in adulthood not putting yourself out there to try new veggies…maybe you aren’t sure how they taste, or unsure of how to prepare them, so you stick with what you know. Juicing gives us a chance to step out of that veggie rut and just stick it in the juicer and try it out.
Juicing has been a super fun journey in my life and I find when I step away from it my energy level decreases to a substantial and noticeable low.
juicing for beginners
Sun Kiss Skin
Simple, Juicing for Weight Loss Recipes
In the beginning, stick with veggies that you are familiar with and enjoy eating.
I also think adding lemon and or an apple to any recipe can really make the drink lighter and not so earthy tasting, for you newbies out there…over time, if you are like me, you may come to love the earthy taste.
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