In simple terms, hair cloning involves harvesting hair follicles from hair donors, multiplying them and implanting them into bald areas of the head. This method of hair restoration seems to be an exciting alternative to hair transplant surgery and showed great promise, as scientists have been able to clone and multiply derma papilla cells in their laboratory, but however, these researches have not been completed yet, thus; we cannot say how close we are to cloning a head of hair.
The question here is; how long will that take? How long will you walk around with wigs and bald hairs? I am sure your answer will be "not too long". While I am not saying that hair cloning can't be possible, I am only implying that you don't have to walk almost all your life with a bald head when there other things you can do to delay the onset of hair loss and even restore lost hairs. Researchers are putting high hopes that this method of hair transplant will make other method obsolete and scientists are optimistic about taking it to the next level, but, it is still undergoing development.
Take note that, hair cloning will be very expensive, rewarding to people with an excellent hair donor,
1. Graft - in this method, the surgeon will make tiny incisions on bald areas of the head where hair graphs will be inserted. The result of this type of hair restoration is usually excellent and real. While this hair restoration process will last for few hours, injuries and scars from incisions will heal in less than a month.
2.3. Eating Well - for a moment there, I thought you might be wondering why you should be eating when you literally look like a bald chicken? The point here is the only way to painlessly combat hair loss is to eat hair-friendly food. Bear in mind that what goes on inside determines

3. Scalp Reduction And Expansion - scalp reduction is simply the removal of bald areas of the head. Bald areas of the scalp are cut off, and the remaining parts are stretched to cover open areas of the head. This method is good for people with thick donor areas. Scalp expansion involves the use of a balloon-like device; this device is called a tissue expander and is used to expand the scalp and spread donor areas of the head evenly while bald scalps are cut off.
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